Buganda Road Flats Plot 50A-54A BLOCK 668, 2nd Floor



What is a Special Land Title?
The Registration of Titles Act of Uganda states that a special land title is a title
issued by the registrar of titles at any ministry zonal land office if the
duplicate certificate of title is lost or destroyed or becomes so obliterated as to be

Who can apply for the special title?
The proprietor is the one who applies for the special title and the application is
supported by a statutory declaration of the person or persons having knowledge of the
circumstances under which the duplicate title was lost or destroyed or becomes so
obliterated as to be useless and the particulars of all incumbrances affecting the land or
the title to the land to the best of the deponents’ knowledge, information and belief; and
the registrar if satisfied as to the truth of the statutory declaration may issue to
the proprietor a special certificate of title to the land.
Is the special title as good as the lost/damaged or destroyed Land Title?
The special certificate of title is not any less in value or authenticity than the lost title
because it is an exact copy of the certificate of title in the Register Book and of every
memorandum and endorsement on it, and states why the special certificate is issued;
The special certificate is available for all purposes and uses for which the
duplicate certificate of title so lost or destroyed or obliterated would have been available,
and is equally valid with the duplicate certificate of title to all intents.

Why is owner’s copy called the duplicate title?
All titled land is comprised of 2 land titles: the original (white page) and the owner’s
The Owner’s Duplicate Certificate of Title is the legal document related to property
ownership. The Owner’s Duplicate, as the name suggests, is a mere copy of the original title. It contains the same information as the original but is in the possession of the
property owner.
The Owner’s Duplicate serves as the owner’s authority to the Registrar of Titles for
various transactions related to the property, such as transfers, mortgages, or leases.
Original Title: The original title is the official document that proves ownership of a
property. It is kept securely by the Registrar of Titles.

How safe is a special land title?
The registrar will only issue a special certificate of title if satisfied as to the truth of
the statutory declaration may issue to the proprietor a special certificate of title to
the land.

How do you confirm that a special title is genuine?
You can request for an official search letter at the Land Office through your lawyer.

For further inquiries:

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