Buganda Road Flats Plot 50A-54A BLOCK 668, 2nd Floor


Security of land for repayment of money or performance of obligation. It is never a transfer to mortgagee. It becomes void once the amount or the obligation for which it is created is paid.


Meaning of Mortgage

  • Security of land for repayment of money or performance of obligation
  • It is never a transfer to mortgagee
  • It becomes void once the amount or the obligation for which it is created is paid.
  • Clause to the effect that the land will become mortgagees when mortgagor fails to perform is void.

Creation of Mortgages

  • Can be created on registered land – land with a certificate of title
  • Such land could be Mailo, Freehold or Leasehold
  • For Leasehold land, always read restrictive covenants – consent of lessor may be required to mortgage
  • Can be created on land held under customary tenure.
  • No mortgage on tenancy by occupancy on registered land. S.34 of the   Land Act was amended by removing power to pledge

Mortgage of Matrimonial home

  • Spouse must give genuine consent
  • Evidence of marriage to be sought
  • Married mortgagor to make statutory declaration confirming marriage
  • Spouse to make statutory declaration confirming marriage
  • Mortgagee to advise mortgagor in writing that spouse to seek independent advice


  • Right to create priority in rank by express notice.
  • Once a mortgage has a provision of right to tack the mortgagee will always rank in priority to other mortgages created on that land by other mortgagees.
  • Right to tack to be visible to Registrar


  • Read sections 19, 26, 27 and 28
  • Where money is payable on demand, a demand in writing creates Act of default
  • Default to persist for at least 30 days
  • Serve Notice of default requiring rectification. Which must give mortgagor at least 25 working days. NB section mentions 2 durations, 45 and 21 working days
  • After expiry of 45 days, serve notice of sale giving another 21 working days. Serve it on all parties privy to mortgage transaction
  • Advertise for sale. Advert to run for 30 days
  • Value the property as advert is running.
  • Allow viewing of property as advert is running.
  • Sell the property.
  • Account for proceeds of sale

Duty to disclose info

  • MDI as mortgagee to disclose all relevant info concerning intended mortgage
  • Charges
  • Interest rate
  • Installment amount
  • Intending mortgagor to disclose all relevant info on intended security
  • Marital status, nature of security etc
  • Offence to conceal relevant info

Mortgage of land under customary tenure

  • If land is owned by family, spouse and children of mortgagor must give written consent
  • Land owned by community is excluded from operation of Act

Remedy involving dispossession of mortgagor must first undergo mediation proceedings and on failure, court must sanction it.

Variation of Mortgage

  • Notice of 15 working days must be given to the mortgagor of intention to vary rate of interest
  • Memorandum of variation of mortgage required when:
  • Amount secured is decreased or increased
  • Duration is shortened or lengthened
  • Expressed covenants are varied


Compiled by;

Nassuuna Rebecca Irene

Nassuuna & Company Advocates

Plot 4, Jinja Road, Social Security House

3rd Floor, Northern Wing

Tel; 256752648063

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