Registration of Children on Land Titles!
What are the consequences of registering your Child on your Land Title?
On many occasions Parents register their children on Land Titles.
My assumption is that this is done because a parent wants to give their child an inheritance or a parent wants to ensure that their child’s/children’s property is not grabbed by relatives in case of death.
These are very good/noble/valid reasons but before you put your child on a Land Title be sure you will never want to either mortgage or transfer/sale that Land. This is because If you ever need to mortgage your land or sale your Land you need to obtain a guardianship order from court.
I have met several desperate parents wanting to either use their land as collateral or wanting to liquidate their Land but find themselves stuck due to the requirement to obtain a guardianship order which is both costly and a lengthy process.
So unless you are sure you will never need to use your Land Title as collateral and unless you are sure you will not need to sale your land before your child / children are 18 years old, it might not be the best idea to put your child or children on a land title.
If you want to secure or safe guard your children’s property rights, go to a lawyer and make a proper WILL!